It’s My Blogaversary!

happy blogaversary

It’s official: a year ago I dipped my toe into the unexplored world of “social media” and began posting words and images related to my creative life. Or should I say, the creative part of my life, for there are certainly many aspects of my daily living that do not qualify. I had no idea beforehand how much time a blog could demand nor how carefully I would work to write a post fit for cyber consumption. Another surprise has been how the blog itself has become one more creative medium in my burgeoning repertoire of expressive passions. And it was not long before I recognized how vital photographic illustration was for my posts, thus leading me to flickr and yet another avenue.

As much as I cherish cups of tea or (decaff) java shared with a friend, the friends I’ve made in the blogasphere hold a special place in my heart, too. There’s nothing like an enthusiastic comment to make my day!

What better time than a blogaversary to corral some happy highlights from the past year:

  • my mother stays current with this Dream Big, Live Large life of mine on a weekly basis when a techy staffer at her senior center outputs the latest posts — in color!
  • my vision boards were “discovered” and will be featured in a mass market book
  • an architectural firm has asked for use of three of my photos for a promotional brochure
  • online sales of Eating Clean have exceeded my wildest expectations
  • the blog has served as an online portfolio and way for out-of-state friends and family to stay current with my knitting, etc.
  • I’ve made creative connections with people all around the globe (just take a look at the blogroll!)

Thank you to all of you who have made this a regular pit stop and for your friendly comments. They are nourishment for the blogger spirit, I have learned. And in case you’re wondering about the guy with the symbols, I found him at a zany novelty and toy store in Portsmouth recently and thought he’d be the perfect trumpeter for this celebration. He is standing atop a glass doorknob that surfaced during the garden expansion in September.

P.S. This has all been so much fun that I’ve decided to break out a blog completely dedicated to the concept of Eating Clean and Low-Glycemic. Stay tuned for the url release!

11 responses to “It’s My Blogaversary!

  1. Happy Anniversary Lisa, and thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Well congratullations my dear!

  3. Lisa, congratulations and thanks for sharing this delightful blog!

  4. Congratulations. I never heard the term social media – I like it!

  5. Congrats, Lisa–and thanks for all the wonderful postings. Oh, I clicked on the MacroPolo site. You and Mike really want a pink flamingo for your front lawn, right? 🙂
    ~ Fran

  6. I absolute love your newsletter. it is the high light of my day. Congrats, Lisa and keep going

  7. Happy, happy blog birthday! Good for you- the first year is the hard part- after that, it is part of your life 🙂

  8. Wow – I’m blushing with gratitude. Thank you everyone for helping to celebrate my blogaversary!

  9. Congratulations on your blogaversary! It’s amazing what blogging opens up and the people you meet from it. I’m so glad I recently found you! Here’s to the next year!

  10. Congratulations! It’s my anniversary this week, too. Keep up the great work.

  11. Happy Belated Blogaversary, Lisa!! Congratulations on all the wonderful things happening in your life … you are truly an inspiration! ~ Lynda xo

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