What I made instead of dinner …

origami mosaic

Yes, it’s true. I’m hungry. My stomach’s growling. But still I couldn’t stop folding, shooting, and flickring until this mosaic was ready to post! It’s my second entry for the Kodak EasyShare printer giveaway being offered by fellow WordPress blogger, BitterSweet. Deadline is tomorrow. I’m in under the final hours with time to spare. To see the full photos rather than squared-off crops of the original, click here. Another blogging friend recently raised a discussion about passion versus balance. So … if I bypassed dinner to “play” — which is what all of this creative stuff feels like — would you say that I am passionate or out of balance?

 The beaded scarf is rather boring to knit, so I put it aside for a bit and cast on a pair of mittens:

mitten cuff new knitting project

Would you have guessed that someone who is so crazy about lots of colors, all together, would select a simple white yarn?! I surprised myself. The pattern is the Aran Islands Mittens in Interweave Press’s  “Folk Mittens” by Marcia Lewandowski. The pattern chart requires focused attention to each and every row and I had to photocopy an enlargement so I could see each stitch change at a glance. These are too tricky to work on during Knitting Nite while socializing with my friends. But for early morning knitting at home with just Tiny Tigress purring at my elbow, it’s delightful to watch the Aran pattern emerge with each row.  And aren’t the cabled cuffs fun?

5 responses to “What I made instead of dinner …

  1. What an awesomely cool origami mosaic! I wanted to see the full photos, but the “click here” link doesn’t work. Oh well–I hope I get to see the real thing up close! I also love the mittens, but I reckon we won’t be seeing them on knitting night. Bring the boring scarf. Our scintillating conversation will carry you through! 🙂

  2. Lisa, mosaic is gorgeous! Such detail and delightful colors. The knitting of white. Different textures, different coloring–all beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Passion and/or balance. Passing on dinner to play. I’d call that passion! I’m thinking there’s ‘being driven’ (working long, hard hours) or there’s passion (Driving– with the top down and the breeze blowing with excitement). The first drains me, the second pumps me. You have passion(s)!

  3. You could write a book called The Origami Diet – Crafting Instead of Eating.

    Impressive folding and lovely colors.

  4. I love the post title! Mind you, I could use that for every title, luckily my husband does the cooking or we’d both starve.

    I love the origami boxes, they look great in the multicolours.

  5. Hi, I’m working on the Aran Mittens from Marica’ Lewandowski’s Folk Mittens. Did you get yours finished, and how did you handle the tricky twists in the Tree of Life portion on the palm side? Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

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