Tag Archives: Mountain View Grand Resort

January Bits

Corabelle's Stare-DownWe had an esteemed houseguest recently, but someone wasn’t pleased. Beware of the calico personality! Our visitor, Ann, is the author of the lighthearted-with-serious-subtext novel, On Maggie’s Watch. Ann makes me laugh more than almost anyone, but Corabelle fails to appreciate the humor. “How long is she staying?” she seemed to be asking.

Who's that?

snow porch

Before Cora’s patience was stretched to dangerous limits, Ann and I left for New Hampshire’s north country. The MFA winter residency  — a week-long gathering of students and faculty for workshops, readings and community — is always intense, and for me, a 24/7 responsibility. Ann’s on faculty; I work behind the scenes and help to keep things running on schedule. There was no time for outdoor exploration, but I managed to capture a few scenic shots from the hotel.

One of the unofficial perks of the job is that on occasion I am able to attend a writing craft workshop, as if I were still a student. Wiley Cash’s session on “place”  let loose a watershed of revision inspiration for that manuscript of mine that has been accumulating dust in the closet.

Now that I’ve had a week to catch up on post-event administrative tasks, it’s time to get back to my own projects. It feels great to be back. Happy New Year!

Will you take me back?

Any diligence to blogging and uploading photography has been swept up and lost in a flurry of techno challenges (1 laptop: deceased; another needed the equivalent of a quadruple cardiac bypass), a wonderful school retreat up at Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa in Whitefield, NH, and last but not least, the fourth semester of grad school and the requisite editing and shaping of my book’s manuscript.

About the photo: In honor of our retreat’s visiting author and her novel The Knitting Circle, Ann Hood, I organized a knitting circle for our last day. I brought extra needles and yarn for those who thought they would like to get reacquainted with knitting, as well as some of my favorite pattern books and magazines for inspiration. One of the circle observers, a non-knitter, snapped this pic of me hard at work on my “Curves of Pursuit” blanket.

I promise more photos when I figure out how to streamline uploads and edits on this vintage Mac. A system upgrade is most certainly in our future. And I sincerely hope I haven’t lost too many readers after such a gap in posting. Today is an ‘editing day’ for the manuscript. But I just had to sneak away to the blog for a bit and write to tell you what’s been going on.

P.S. I’ve also started a blog for my writing colleagues over here. Come visit and meet everyone!